Hi Family and others. We had a good, busy week. Instead of
q&a, I'm going weekly breakdown #switchinitup. Mostly because it'll answer
all of your questions and more.
Monday- After email, we went and played basketball. It was
nice and hot in the gym, so I got all red and sweaty like the good old days. I
love basketball.
Tuesday- In the morning, we borrowed one of the mission
vehicles that has unlimited miles, and drove to Stephenville. It was like 2
hours away. Long drives are about 2.9% as much fun on the mission. But, I got
to be with mijo, Elder Tanner again. We went to go do service at this christian
food pantry place, and ended up tying barbed-wire crosses for 3 hours haha. The
good news is, I got to take home the three barbed wire crosses of Calvary + an
extra bonus barbed wire crown of thorns! Haha, I feel really weird having these
bad boys in the apartment.
Wednesday- They came and picked us up, then I hopped in and drove. Only
problem, we had to make a "quick" pit stop in Weatherford (1 hour
away), so that took all day. Good news is, Chik fil a in Weatherford was giving
out free ice cream lemonade things, so that made it worth it.
Thursday- We drove down to Arlington, and started an
exchange there. It was sweet. I had an awesome day in Arlington. I would love
to serve there one day haha, it is ballin.
Friday- We had MLC. It was a good one. Basically, we just
need to actually do all the things we talk about. We're moving forward, but
slowly and the mission needs a mad jump start. Nothing like a (not so) new
sheriff in town to give everyone a kick in the pants. After MLC, we went
to this mission choir concert that took all night. We had 0 seconds of
proselyting time today.
Saturday- We watched conference with the Mejias. I watched
Saturday morning conference with them in October too, so it was really fun, and
kinda weird, After, Danny (the 20 year old) took us to Golden Corral between
sessions. We watched the second session in the church, and in between we typed
up a report-thingy. Priesthood was awesome as usual. Again, 0 seconds of
proselyting time.
Sunday- There was a "special easter service" in
the Colleyville stake, and elder Hagen was in the choir. We went and there was
a cool service, and then at the very end Glen Beck (yes, that glen beck) got up
to talk. Hahaha, he was so crazy. He was shouting, and slamming the pulpit and
doing all sorts of mormon no-nos haha. He did everything short of swearing over
the pulpit. It was so crazy and awesome haha. Then we watched conference at the
church, the awesome members of the bishopbrik (no chance of spelling that
right) fed us in between, and we watched the last one with Eduardo (the
investigator who works in the strip club). Haha, I also watched conference with
him in October, so it was just a weird cycle. At night, we finally got out and
taught. It was good to just teach someone after 2 days of nothing.
Monday (today)- We taught the Tongan familes friends again.
So here is the situation. The Tongan mother works at a hotel, and speaks about
70% english. Her freind/coworker lives in Dallas, and she speaks about 60%
english (she's from Mexico). So they somehow became super good friends and now
the friend wants to learn about the church. So her and her roommate (who speaks
3% english) come all the way to euless to listen to us. The tongan mother wants
them to go to the tongan ward because she wants to be there with them. Hahaha,
they speak very little english, much less tongan. And they live outside of the
mission #MESSY. But it's chill, they're solid investigators. We want to
send them to Dallas, but have you ever tried to tell a tongan mother no? It's
not easy. But the awesome tongans took us out to lunch. Haha, they took us out
to a buffet and told us Kai k mate (spelled wrong). That means "eat till
you die." Haha, it's an expression in tongan.
I hope that answered all questions. I got the green package
and the easter package haha. Thank you so much! Haha, I was laughing because I
was starting my "6 months to sexy" diet, but I think it's officially
over. We've got Zone Conference this week. I'm pretty excited.
Downtown Fart Worth
The Nasty sink (but pretty cool style) at the christian food
Do I spy a giant Jesus Flag? Yep. Texas Forever.
And a spit bubble.
Cole out.